Boy Scout Troop 165 is in the Blackhawk Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. We are sponsored by American Legion Post 171, Crystal Lake, IL. The meetings are run by the Scouts themselves under the guidance of trained adult leaders. Parents, Scout Leaders and the Troop work together through the eight methods of Scouting:

- Ideals - The ideals of Scouting are spelled out in the Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan. The Scout measures himself against these ideals and continually tries to improve.
- Patrols - The Patrol Method gives Scouts an experience in group living and participating citizenship.
- Outdoors - It is in the outdoors that Scouts share responsibilities and learn to live with each other. It is here that the skills and activities practiced at Troop Meetings come alive with purpose.
- Advancement - Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps to overcome with appropriate recognition and advancement.
- Adult Association - Boys lean from the examples set by their adult leaders.
- Personal Growth - As Scouts plan their activities and progress toward their goals, they experience personal growth. Boys grow as they participate in community service projects and do Good Turns to others.
- Leadership Development- Boy Scouting encourages boys to learn and practice leadership skills.
- Uniform - The uniform makes the Scout Troop visible as a force for good and creates a positive youth image in the community. Wearing the uniform shows a Scout's commitment to the aims and purposes of Scouting.
When are the meetings?
- Weekly troop meetings are on Tuesday nights from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
- Once a month, only the current troop leadership meets for a Patrol Leaders' Council. These meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
- Four times a year, the Troop holds a "Court of Honor." These are held on the fifth Tuesday of the month in months with a fifth Tuesday.
- Up to date information can be found on the troop calendar. (coming soon!)
Where are the meetings?
- Troop meetings are held at the Crystal Lake Park District Nature Center in Veteran Acres Park. The address is 330 N. Main St., Crystal Lake, IL 60014.
- Patrol Leaders' Council meetings are held at the same location.
- Courts of Honor are held at McHenry County Mental Health Building which is located at 620 Dakota St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014, unless otherwise specified on the troop calendar.
How can you arrange a visit?
- Troop 165 encourages drop-in visits anytime. We prefer that you do not tell us when you are visiting so that you can get a sense for what a Troop 165 Meeting is like. If you have a special request, of course, we welcome you to contact our Scoutmaster. Please visit the contact page.
- Please refer to our calendar to make sure we are not having a PLC or Court of honor meeting when you are planning on visiting as these are a-typical meetings. Look for "Troop Meeting" in the calendar to find a normal troop meeting.
How active are we?
- Troop 165 is an active troop with a dynamic year round program. We are one of the largest troops in the area and pride ourselves on the quality troop program, numerous Eagle Scouts and High Adventure trips to the National High Adventure Bases (Philmont Scout Ranch, Florida Sea Base Northern Tier Canoe Base) that encompass the aims and methods of Scouting.
- Our current troop includes 40+ youth (ages 10 to 17) and 15+ registered adult leaders. When a boy joins the Troop we welcome the family as well. Many parents find themselves having as much fun as the Scouts!

Want to learn more about us?
Please visit our contact page to get in touch with us.